identity • flaviar
A 21st century speakeasy club in your living room
Flaviar Inc.
Branding, Experience Design, iOS app, Data Visualisation, Illustration, Photography, Graphic Design, Web design, Video, Packaging
Flaviar is a modern liquor company. They strive to simplify and improve the discovery of spirits for distilled beverage enthusiasts. This mission manifests itself in many creative ways across the brand but in the the app lays hidden arguably one of the most exciting innovations in the spirits business - The Flavour Spiral.
Visualising flavours with the Flavour Spiral
For each spirit there you have so called ‘Tasting Notes’ which describe its Aroma, Flavour and Finish with a bunch of words. It looks something like this - toffee, caramel, honey, a hint of citrus zest and a slow evolving dark oaky undertone.
So naturally, there is a certain challenge creating a visual representation of the flavours. After at least 100 versions of the ‘Flavour Spiral’ we ditched the lingo of classic 2D information graphics and turned to collage.
Metaphors are an important learning tool
For each of more than 200 flavours found in spirits we created a independent metaphoric illustration, which instead of literal depictions often uses playful visual impersonations of the feeling or association one has when tasting a certain Flavour. Each bottle has it’s own ‘Flavour Spiral’ that shows 9 of the most prominent flavours found in a drink.
The tangibility of illustrations makes it easier for the user to recognise flavours faster. Seeing re-occurring visual impressions over and over results in a mental cloud of the flavours one likes and essentially helps when choosing what to buy or order.
Buying booze
There is also another, less educational aspect to the app … Flaviar’s bottle and Tasting Box offer that you can order straight from the app. If all the whisky knowledge dries your brain, you can always order a dram from Flaviar.